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These are questions often asked when an artist is considering using RS Promotions:

"How and why did you get started with promotions?"

I (Sherry Finzer) used a promoter for a release in 2013 called Transformation. Until then, no one had really aired my music or knew of me. The album placed in the Top 10 on the ZMR Chart, but did not receive any nominations or awards. In 2014 I released a solo album called Sanctuary III: Beyond the Dream, and decided to self-promote. It was a LOT of work, and much of the contact information was found with a lot of digging on my end. I did very well with this release and the album reached #11 on the ZMR chart, receiving international airplay. The album also received both Zone Music Reporter and One World Music Radio nominations for Best Acoustic Album 2014, and was chosen as Echoes CD of the Month in Jan 2015, coming in at #1 on the Echoes Top 25 chart.  After going through all of that hard work, I felt that I was capable of representing and promoting other artists, so I did a test run for an acoustic guitarist here in Phoenix named John Calvert in Mar 2015. His album did well also, so I forged ahead and created my company RS Promotions.

"How many stations do you send music to?"

About half of the stations we promote to are stations or programs that report to the Zone Music Reporter Chart. As far as we are aware, this is the only official New Age Music Chart currently out there for us. There are a variety of shows (ZMR and non-ZMR) that we service, including Ambient, Solo Piano, Contemporary Instrumental, Chill, New Age, World and more. A lot of these shows offer a “mix” of programming, others like Solo Piano programs would only consider solo piano music for airplay consideration. The average list of shows that your music is sent to fluctuates as programs come and go, but generally between 140-150.

"How have your previous clients done under your promotions?"

Besides FM, Streaming and Podcasts, we have gotten placements so far on the SiriusXM Spa Channel for several of our clients. All of our clients have placed in the Top 20 on the ZMR Chart, with many placements in the Top 10. Several of our clients have been featured on the NPR syndicated show Echoes, Hearts of Space, Music Choice Soundscapes, received nominations and awards, and have had music placed on airlines and overhead music channels. RS Promotions clients had multiple nominations from ZMR and OWMR in 2016 and two took home ZMR Awards for Best Ambient and Best Acoustic Albums. One was a contender for the ZMR Album of the Year.

"What do clients and programmers say about your services?"

Comments that we hear from programmers, are that they know when we send them music that it is going to be well-produced.

Our clients appreciate how hard we work for them, our honesty and integrity, and they see much more value in working with me personally because I can also give them guidance from a musicians standpoint. I can help my clients get set up with Sound Exchange and PRO’s if needed. 

"What is your approach with promotions?"

Our team screens all submissions. We will pass on submissions that we don’t feel will do well on the charts or getting airplay. We want to build a reputation of representing quality music at RS Promotions. Will all of the stations program it? No, but we do believe a majority will.


"Do you enjoy promoting music?"


A personal question I often get asked is if I enjoy promoting, and the answer is yes! I have worked hard to get systems in place that allow me to be able to both promote music for others and still be able to work on and perform my own music. I have enjoyed personally meeting with programmers at their home or stations to get to know more about them and the styles of music they are looking for in their programming, building long-lasting relationships along the way.

"What should I expect to happen during my campaign?"

We contact programmers before the CD’s get mailed, letting them know that it is on the way and to please look for it in their mailbox. We send follow up emails to see if they have received the album, and several more follow ups and reminders after that throughout the campaign, requesting airplay and reporting to the ZMR chart for those shows that do report. We send you playlists throughout the campaign, as well as contact info for those programmers playing your music so that you can reach out to thank them, thereby developing your own relationship with them, which will help when promoting future releases. Not all promoters will provide this information to you.

"Do you send my music to reviewers?"

Yes we do send your music to reviewers. There are some reviewers that write for a hobby and others charge for their services. We will discuss options with you.

"How do I help with the campaign?"

We believe that promotions is a team effort. My clients who have done best have been those reaching out to thank programmers and establish a relationship with them.

"Can I guarantee a placement with SiriusXM or Echoes?"

No – but we can get the programmer to take a listen to the album. There are programmers that simply will not play any music that they don’t personally connect with or does not fit their programming standards.

"How much info do you need for my bio?"

The bio that we send out is typically a one-page version as it is difficult to get programmers to actually take the time to read something lengthy.  Most of their programming decisions are based off of listening to the music. So if you need something longer than that and more detailed, we might refer you out to someone who could do that for you. 

"Do you submit my music for licensing opportunities?"

We do send your music to some places that may license your music. 

"Do you submit to Pandora?"

One of my missions as a promoter is to help our clients gain more knowledge about the business side of the music industry. At this time we feel it is best for our clients to submit themselves. We can help you with the process and offer advice on what track from your album to submit if you wish.

"Do you submit to Rovi/All Music?"

Yes, but typically at the time of the campaign mailing. If you are concerned with the information reaching the Rovi database in time for Billboard charting, I would suggest sending that out as soon as you have your shipment of CD’s.

"Are you able to provide me with contact information for other artists who have used your services?"

Yes, our clients continue to send referrals our way and are happy to chat with you about their experience with RS Promotions US. Please refer to our Previous Clients page to see who we have represented.


Why we are different from other New Age Music promoters:

Our rates are less that other promoters to help musicians see a better return on their promotional investment. We are constantly seeking out stations that pay royalties to musicians for airplay.

We do all of the work for you, including, bio, one-sheet, printing, packaging, and mailing. Those costs are included in the package price, not in addition to it like other promoters.

RS Promotions has pages on both Facebook and Twitter, where we promote our clients by sharing reviews, chart placements, your upcoming shows, etc.

We provide contact information to you for those programmers airing your music, so that you can reach out to thank them and begin establishing your own relationship with them.

We provide reports show when your music was played, and what tracks were programmed.

We can also offer you options for physical and digital distribution through the Heart Dance Recordings label if an artist is seeking help with that.

We add your music to our Spotify playlist. 

We submit your music to some companies that may seek to license your music.

We are honest and upfront, and don't "game" the system.

We get back to you in a timely manner.

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